
Print Photos with Auto Cropping

Related Models:MFC‑T910DW
If your photo is too long or too wide to fit the space in your layout, part of the image will be cropped.
  • The factory setting is On. To print the whole image, change this setting to Off.
  • If you set the [Cropping] setting to Off, set the [Borderless] setting to Off, also.

Cropping: On

Cropping: On

Cropping: Off

Cropping: Off
  1. Put a USB flash drive in the USB slot.
  2. Press image (FOTO/WEB (PHOTO/WEB)).
  3. Press image or image to select [JPEG Print]. Press OK.
  4. Press image or image to select [Select Files]. Press OK.
  5. Press image or image to display the photo you want to print.
  6. Enter the number of copies using the dial pad.
  7. Press OK.
  8. Press image or image to select the following:
    1. Select [Cropping]. Press OK.
    2. Select [On] (or [Off]). Press OK.
  9. Press Inicio Color (Color Start).
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