Reprinting documents

Reprinting the last job

You can reprint the data from the last print job without sending it from the computer again.
Note Note
If the Reprint setting is set to Off on the control panel and you press Reprint, the LCD shows No Data Stored for a short time.
If you want to cancel reprinting, press Cancel.
If the printer does not have enough memory to spool the print job data, it will not print the document.
Pressing the - or + button makes the number of reprint copies decrease or increase. You can choose between 1 and 999 Copies.
For more information about the settings in the printer driver, see Device Options.
After turning the power switch off, the last job data will be deleted.

How to reprint the last job

Make sure that the Reprint setting is On by using the buttons on the control panel to enter the General Setup menu.
Note Note
If you print with the printer driver we have supplied with the printer, the settings for Job Spooling in the printer driver will take priority over the settings made on the control panel. (For more information, see Device Options.)
Press Reprint.
Press OK.
Reprint Menu
Last Job
Press the + or - button to choose Print. Press OK.
Last Job
Press the + button twice to enter the number of copies you want.
Last Job
Copies =3
Press OK or Go.
Last Job
Note Note
Pressing the + or - key makes the number of reprint copies increase or decrease. You can choose between 1 and 999 Copies.
If you wait 30 seconds to continue the control panel operation, the LCD leaves the Reprint setting automatically.

Printing Secure data

Secure data
Secure documents are protected by a password and only those people who know the password will be able to print the document. The printer will not print the document when you send it for printing. To print the document, you must use the control panel of the printer (with the password). Secure data will be deleted after printing once.
When the area to spool data is full, the earliest data is automatically deleted first. The order of deleting data is not connected to the order of reprinting.
If you want to delete the spooled data, you can carry out this operation using the control panel or the web-based management application.
Note Note
The secure data will be deleted when the printer is turned off.
For more information about the settings in the printer driver and how to create secure data, see Device Options (For Windows® printer driver), Advanced options (For Windows® BR-Script printer driver) or Job Spooling (For Macintosh® printer driver).

How to print Secure data

Press Reprint.
Press the + or - button to choose Secure Print. Press OK.
Reprint Menu
Secure Print
Press the + or - button to choose the user name. Press OK.
Press the + or - button to choose the job. Press OK.
Press the + or - button to enter your password. Press OK.
Password: XXXX
Note Note
If you wait 30 seconds to continue the control panel operation, the LCD leaves the Reprint setting automatically.
Press the + or - button to choose Print. Press OK.
Press the + or - button to enter the number of copies you want. Press OK or Go.
Copies =1

When there is no last job data or secure data in memory

If the printer does not have reprint data in the memory and you press Reprint, the LCD will show No Data Stored.

Deleting the last job

Choose Delete in step 4 on How to reprint the last job.

Deleting secure data

Choose the user name and the job you want to delete in steps 1 to 5, and then choose Delete in step 6 on How to print Secure data-.

Canceling the reprint job (reprinting and printing secure data)

If you want to cancel the current reprint job, press Cancel. Cancel also allows you to cancel a paused reprint job.