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Example of Creating Template Files with FileMaker™ (Visual Basic Script)

Create a Template File (Label Layout File)

  1. 1. Enter the following using a text editor and save it with a file name "Fixed asset.vbs".
    'Create b-PAC object
    Set ObjDoc = CreateObject("bpac.Document")
    'Open template file created with P-touch Editor
    'Leave LBX file in the same folder as VBS file
    bRet = ObjDoc.Open(".¥Fixed asset.lbx")
    If (bRet <> False) Then 'normally open?
     'Set value to text object of "Fixed asset name"
     ObjDoc.GetObject("Name").Text = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
     'Set value to text object of "Management section"
     ObjDoc.GetObject("Section").Text = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
     'Set value to text object of "Identification No."
     ObjDoc.GetObject("Number").Text = WScript.Arguments.Item(2)
     'Set value to barcode object
     ObjDoc.GetObject("QRCode1").Text = WScript.Arguments.Item(2)
     'Execute printing
     ObjDoc.StartPrint "DocumentName", bpoAutoCut
     ObjDoc.PrintOut 1, bpoAutoCut
    End If
    'Release b-PAC object
    Set ObjDoc = Nothing


    • You can also change an image object and configure the font settings.
    • For methods available from b-PAC, refer to the b-PAC SDK documentation.
  2. 2. Using FileMaker™ Pro, create the database in the same folder as "Fixed asset.vbs" above.

  3. 3. In Script > ScriptMaker..., display a Script Management dialog box and click the Create button.

  4. 4. In the Edit Script dialog box, enter "Print" in Script name, select Transmit event and click the Move button.

  5. 5. In the Edit Script dialog box, click the Designated... button to display the Transmit Event Options dialog box, and click Calculate.

  6. 6. Enter the following and click the OK button.

    "Fixed asset.vbs" & " ¥"" & Fixed asset::Fixed asset name & "¥" ¥"" & Fixed asset::Management section & "¥" ¥"" & Fixed asset::Identification No. & "¥""


    Make sure to enter single-byte spaces above. The single-byte spaces above appear as follows with underlines. (Enter a single-byte space to the underlined parts.)
    "Fixed asset.vbs"_&_"_¥""_&_Fixed asset::Fixed asset name_&_"¥"_¥""_&_Fixed asset::Management Div_&_"¥"_¥""_&_Fixed asset::Management No_&_"¥""

  7. 7. Close the Transmit Event Options dialog box by clicking the OK button.

  8. 8. Click the [x] button in the Edit Script dialog box, then click the Save button.

  9. 9. Close the Script Management dialog box by clicking the [x] button.

  10. 10. Select a record to print and execute Script > Print to print the label.



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