FAQ et Diagnostic


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FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

Date: 2022-10-31 ID: faq00100598_000

I'm using a Debian based distribution (e.g. Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc). When installing the CUPS Wrapper driver, I get the following error message: "/usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper/cupswrapper[model name]: No such file or directory". (Linux)

1. Uninstall cupswrapper:

  1. Comment out the lines which include "lpadmin" from:
    /var/lib/dpkg/info/cupswrapper[model name].prerm
    /var/lib/dpkg/info/cupswrepper[model name].postinst
  2. Uninstall cupswrapper
    dpkg -r cuprwrapper[model name]
    dpkg --purge cupswrapper[model name]


2. Modify the package:

  1. Unpack the package
    dpkg --unpack cupswrapper[model name].[version].dpkg
  2. Open /usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper/cupswrapper[model name] to edit.
  3. Look for the line with "lpadmin -p [model name] -E -v .......".
  4. Change "-m" to "-P" in the line
  5. Add the file-path of the PPD file written in the line.
    the file path = "/usr/share/cups/model/"


BEFORE (Type the whole command as a single line before hitting enter).:
lpadmin -p MFC9420CN -E -v usb:/dev/usb/lp0 -m brmfc9420cn.ppd
AFTER (Type the whole command as a single line before hitting enter).:
lpadmin -p MFC9420CN -E -v usb:/dev/usb/lp0 -P /usr/share/cups/model/brmfc9420cn.ppd

*** if you use Debian and it doesn't have lpadmin, please delete the whole line which refers to lpadmin.


3. Run the install script

  1. dpkg --configure cupswrapper[model name].[version].dpkg

    *** if you deleted the line about lpadmin, access http://localhost:631/printers
    click "Add printer" and follow the instructions to install.

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