Caller ID history

This feature requires the Caller ID subscriber service offered by many local telephone companies. (See Caller ID (U.K. and Ireland only).)
The number, or name if available, from the last 30 faxes and telephone calls you received will be stored in the Caller ID history. You can view the list or choose one of these numbers to fax to, add to One Touch or Speed Dial, or delete from the history. When the thirty-first call comes in to the machine, it replaces information about the first call.
Press Graphic (Fax).
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose Caller ID hist.
Press OK.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose the number you want.
Press OK.
Do one of the following:
To send a fax, press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose Send a fax.
Press OK.
Press Mono Start or Colour Start.
If you want to store the number, press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose Add To Phone Book.
Press OK.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose Delete.
Press OK.
Press 1 to confirm.
Press Stop/Exit.
Note Note
You can print the Caller ID list.
(See How to print a report.)