
You can trim your photo and print a part of the image.
Note Note
If your photo is very small or has irregular proportions you may not be able to trim the photo. The LCD will display Image Too Small. or Image Too Long.
Make sure you have put a memory card or USB Flash memory drive in the correct slot.
Press Graphic (Photo Capture).
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose Trimming.
Press OK.
Press Bsymbol.ltri or Bsymbol.rtri to choose your photo.
Press OK.
Adjust the red frame around your photo.
The part inside of the red frame will be printed.
Press Bsymbol.tone or # to enlarge or reduce the frame size.
Press each arrow key to move the position of the frame.
Press 0 to rotate the frame.
Press OK when you have finished adjusting the frame setting.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to increase or decrease the number of copies.
Do one of the following:
Press OK and change the print settings. (See PhotoCapture Center™ print settings.)
If you do not want to change any settings, press Colour Start to print.