
Home > Printer Settings > Change Printer Settings Using the Printer Setting Tool (Windows) > P-touch Template Settings of the Printer Setting Tool (Windows)

P-touch Template Settings of the Printer Setting Tool (Windows)

P-touch Template mode allows you to insert data into text and barcode objects from a downloaded template using other devices connected to the printer. The available options and supplies may vary depending on your country. Use P-touch Template Settings in the Printer Setting Tool to specify or change P-touch Template functions.

  • P-touch Template mode is also compatible with other input devices like a scale, testing printer, controller, or a programmable logic device.
  • For more information on P-touch Template Settings, see the P-touch Template Manual/Command Reference (English only). You can download the latest version from the Brother support website at

  1. Default Command Mode
    Specify the P-touch Template mode as the default mode.
  2. Default Template Number
    Select a default template number that the printer sets when it is turned on. If you do not want to transfer a template to the printer, do not specify a template number.
  3. Data Delimiter for P-touch Template
    Displays a symbol used to indicate the boundaries between groups of data in a file (maximum of 20 characters).
  4. Trigger for P-touch Template Printing
    Specify a trigger to begin printing from a number of options.
    • Command Character: Printing starts when the command character specified here is received.
    • Data Insertion into All the Objects: Printing starts when the delimiter for the last object is received.
    • Received Data Size: Printing starts when the number of characters specified here is received. However, delimiters are not counted in the number of characters.
  5. Character Code Table
    Select one of the character code sets.
  6. International Character Set
    Lists character sets for specific countries. The following codes vary depending on the selected country:
    23h 24h 40h 5Bh 5Ch 5Dh 5Eh 60h 7Bh 7Ch 7Dh 7Eh
    To change the characters, see the P-touch Template Manual/Command Reference (English only). You can download the latest version from the Brother support website at
  7. Command Prefix Character
    Specify the prefix character code identifying commands used in P-touch Template mode.
  8. Non-Printed Character
    Characters specified here are not printed when data is received (maximum of 20 characters).
  9. Available Return Code
    The line feed code is used when feeding data to indicate that the following data should be moved to the next line in a text object. Select one of four line feed codes or type the line feed code you want (maximum of 20 characters).
  10. Replace FNC1
    Replaces GS codes with FNC1.
  11. Number of Copies
    Sets the number of copies (maximum of 99 copies).
  12. Inverted 180 Degrees
    If this checkbox is selected, the data will be printed after it has been rotated 180 degrees.
  13. Default
    Returns all setting values in the P-touch Template Settings dialog box to the default values.
  14. Cancel
    Cancels the settings and closes the dialog box. The settings remain unchanged.
  15. Set
    Applies the settings to the printer. To save the specified settings to a command file to reuse in the future, select the Save in Command File command from the drop-down list.

    The saved command file can be used with the mass storage mode to apply the settings to a printer.

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