
Home > Printer Settings > Details of Printer Settings Report

Details of Printer Settings Report

These tables contain reference information to help you understand the contents of the Printer Settings Report.

Version Information

Title in Print


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)


Version of Main unit information output list


ID of the DB where maintenance information is saved


Printer model name


Printer model ID


Serial number


Product destination


Main program version


Boot program version


Font data version


EEPROM format version


Main board version

Region Info

Regional information (product status identification code)

Maintenance Reliability

Maintenance information reliability

Battery Information

Title in Print

[Battery Status]

Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Battery Voltage

Battery voltage [mV]

If the battery is not connected, "-" will be displayed.

Battery Temperature[deg C]

Battery temperature (current) [℃]

If the battery is not connected, "-" will be displayed.

Error History Information

Title in Print

[Error History(PAGES)]

Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)


Information on the most recent error (error number and error summary message)











Error history (latest 10)

This information includes two items as a set, and prints one line for each error.

  • Error number

  • The total number of pages printed when the error occurs

#01 is the latest error, #10 is the oldest error, and the oldest error #10 is eliminated every time a new error occurs.

Media Information

Title in Print

[Media Settings]

Media information (currently set)


Paper name


Printable width


Printable length

Paper Types


Energy Rank

Energy rank

Top Margin

Front margin [dot]

Bottom Margin

Back margin [dot]

Label Pitch

Label pitch [dot]

Mark Offset

Distance to mark [dot]

Position Adj. (H)

Print position correction value (horizontal) [dot]

Position Adj. (V)

Print position correction value (vertical) [dot]

Sensor Adj. (Lum)

Sensor light emission amount adjustment value

Sensor Adj. (Thr)

Sensor threshold adjustment value


Title in Print


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Binary Data Print

Media information used for printing

Lines 1 to 8: Binary data of media information

Printer Settings

Title in Print

[Printer Settings]

Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Command Mode

Command mode

Print Density

Print darkness

Print Speed

Printing speed

JPEG Printing

JPEG printing

Text Direction

Print orientation

Exit Position

Issuance method

Auto Cut

Cut settings

Cover Closed Action

Feed setting when cover is closed

Printer Information Report

Contents of main unit information printing

Serialize Mode

Sequential number mode

Save Printer Print Log

Save print history on main unit

Print Data After Printing

Print data after printing

Default Print#

Default number of prints

Power On When Plugged In

Automatic power on (auto power on)

Auto Sleep

Auto sleep

Auto Power Off

Auto power off

Battery Charge Level

Charging settings (ECO charging)

Feed Key

Feed key function settings

Function Key

Function key settings

AirPlane Mode

Bluetooth/WLAN are completely disabled mode


Print base point correction (width direction) [dot]


Print base point correction (length direction) [dot]

Tear Adjust[mm]

Tear bar position correction [mm]


Separator detection level correction

Correction value of the light receiving sensor that detects gaps in die-cut labels


Correction of luminescence amount (transmissive type)


Black mark detection level correction


Correction of light emission amount (reflective type)


Peeler detection level correction

Menu Locks Settings

Menu lock [Main unit settings] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks Template Settings

Menu lock [Template settings] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks Information

Menu lock [Body information] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks Wired LAN

Menu lock [Wired LAN] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks WLAN

Menu lock [Wireless LAN] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks Bluetooth

Menu lock [Bluetooth] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks Remote Update

Menu lock [Data update] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks USB Update

Menu lock [USB data update] (Locked / Unlocked)

Menu Locks Support URL

Menu lock [Support site URL] (Locked / Unlocked)

Admin Password

Administrator password (on/off)

LCD Contrast

Screen density

Backlight Settings

Backlight (on/off)

Backlight Timeout

Time until backlight out

Display Brightness

Screen brightness

Template Settings

Template mode

Confirm Print

Check before printing

Date Format

Date format

Time Format

Time format


Language settings


Unit settings


Beeper volume


Clock function (on/off)

Autotime Sync

Automatic time acquisition settings

Time Zone

Time zone settings

SNTP Server Method

NTP server settings (SNTP Server Method)

Primary SNTP Server Address

NTP server settings (Primary SNTP Server Address)

Primary SNTP Server Port

NTP server settings (Primary SNTP Server Port)

Secondary SNTP Server Address

NTP server settings (Secondary SNTP Server Address)

Secondary SNTP Server Port

NTP server settings (Secondary SNTP Server Port)

Synchronization Interval

NTP server settings (Synchronization Interval)

Web Based Management

EWS on/off settings

Update Notification

Firmware update automatic notification

[P-touch Template Settings]

Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Touch Mode Settings

Template Touch mode display settings

Default Template Number

Template number initial value

Data Delimiter


Print Start Trigger

Print start trigger

Command Character

Print start command string

Received Data Size

Print start data size

When printing a P-Touch Template: Received data size to start printing when the print start trigger is "Number Of Character Received".

Character Code Table

Character code set

When printing a P-Touch Template: Character code set to use (see command reference for details).

International Character Set

International characters

When printing a P-Touch Template: Some code characters will be replaced according to this setting. (See command reference for details).

Command Prefix Character

Prefix character

Non-Printed Character

Discarded string

Available Return Code

New line code

Replace FNC1

FNC1 replacement

Virtual Future Date

Direct date entry (on/off)

Virtual Future Time

Direct time input (on/off)

Search Method Setting

Search mode settings

Default Template

Built-in template display


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)


Current ZPL command prefix character


Current ZPL command prefix character


Current ZPL command delimiter

CRC Check

CRC check setting in SBPL emulation (enable/disable)


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Cutter Option

Cutter option (with/without)

Label Peeler

Peeler option (with/without)

Coin Battery Level

Coin battery remaining charge

RS-232C Serial Communication Setting Information

Title in Print


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Baud rate(bps)

RS-232C baud rate

Data bit

RS-232C data bit length


RS-232C parity setting

Flow control

RS-232C flow control settings

Bluetooth Setting Information

Title in Print


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Bluetooth Usage

Bluetooth activation status (enabled/disabled)

If disabled, all items below will be displayed as '-' (hyphen).

Bluetooth Firmware Ver.

Bluetooth HCD file version information

Bluetooth Device Name

Bluetooth device name

Bluetooth On Power On

Bluetooth status when power is turned on

Visible to Other Devices

Search from other devices

Bluetooth Mode

Bluetooth control mode

Automatic Reconnection

Automatic reconnection (Classic)

Target Address

Bluetooth address for automatic reconnection (Classic)

Minimum Security Mode

Minimum security (Low Energy)

Bluetooth Address

Bluetooth address

Security Mode

Bluetooth security mode setting

Bluetooth Server TimeOut

Bluetooth automatic reconnection time out

Bluetooth Last Address

Bluetooth last connected device address

Bluetooth Last Device

Last configured device

AutoMatically Search

Automatic search

Bluetooth Address Barcode

Title in Print

(Barcode image)

Bluetooth device address barcode

Format: CODE128, bottom character ON, height 79 dots (10 mm), width = very small, thin bar/thick bar ratio = 3:1, bar lengths not the same

WLAN Configuration Information

Title in Print


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

WLAN Region

Wireless LAN destination settings

WLAN On Power On

Wireless settings at power on (Wireless LAN on/off)

Network Mode

Network mode (Infrastructure/Direct/Infra&Direct/Ad hoc)


Received signal strength (Wireless LAN, Wireless Direct)



WLAN Status

Wireless LAN status (enabled/WLAN off/not connected)

Node Name

Wireless LAN node name

MAC Address

Wireless LAN MAC address


Connection destination SSID (network name)

Encryption Mode

Encryption method

Authentication Method

Authentication method

Boot Method

Method for setting IP addresses

IP Address

Wireless LAN IP address

Subnet Mask

Sub-net mask

Gateway Address

Gateway address

DNS Address

DNS server address (IPv4)

IPv6 Address

IPv6 address

IPv6 DNS Address

DNS server address (IPv6)

WFD Status

Wireless Direct status (off/group owner active)


Wireless Direct SSID

WFD Channel

Channel for Wireless Direct connection

WFD MAC Address

Wireless Direct MAC address

WFD IP Address

Wireless Direct IP address

Wired LAN Setting Information

Title in Print


Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

WiredLAN Status

Wired LAN status (offline/online)

Node Name

Node name

MAC Address

MAC address

Boot Method

Method for setting IP addresses

IP Address

IP address

Subnet Mask

Sub-net mask

Gateway Address

Gateway address

DNS Address

DNS server address (IPv4)

IPv6 Address

IPv6 address

IPv6 DNS Address

DNS server address (IPv6)

Support Site URL QR Code

Title in Print


Print a QR code with the URL of the support site.

Main Unit Transfer Data List

Title in Print

[Template List]

List of template names transferred to the printer

[Database List]

List of database names transferred to the printer

[Font List]

List of font names downloaded to the printer

Available memory

Free space in FlashROM (user area) [bytes]

Main Unit Transfer Data Usage Status

Title in Print

Available memory[per]

Free space in FlashROM (user area) [%]

EWS Initial Password

Title in Print

Default Password

EWS initial password

Main Unit Usage History (User)

Title in Print

[Usage Information]

Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Print Count (Total)

Print number counter

Print Job Count (Total)

Job counter

Print Distance (Total)[m]

Print distance counter (m)

(Conveyance distance when printing in the forward direction only, excluding margins. White data is included in the print distance)

Print Distance (Total)[dot]

Print distance counter (dot)

Feed Distance (Total)[m]

Total transport distance counter (m)

(All conveyance distances, including margins, conveying other than printing (feeding, etc.), and reverse transport, are also included in the conveyance distance.)

Feed Distance (Total)[dot]

Total conveyance distance counter (dot)

Full Cutter Count (Total)

Full cut counter

Full Cutter Count (1)

Full cut counter updated when replacing cutter (currently)

Head Disconnection dots[dot]

Head disconnection count [dots] (recent check results)

Feed Distance (Head1)[m]

Conveyance distance counter updated when Print Head replacement is detected (currently)

Feed Distance (Platen1)[m]

Conveyance distance counter updated when Platen Roller replacement is detected (current)

Feed Count

Feed count

Environmental Temperature (Current)[degC]

Environmental temperature (current) [℃]

Error History Information

Title in Print

[Error Count]

Print title (not used in the main unit information acquisition command)

Error Count Total

Number of error occurrences

Error Count #[Array:##]

Number of occurrences of error [Array:##] (if 1 digit, omit the 2nd digit)

System Error Count #[Array:##]

Number of occurrences of system error [Array:##] (if it is 1 digit, the 2nd digit is omitted)

Main Unit Usage History (Maintenance)

Title in Print

Print Distance (User1)[m]

User-resettable print distance counter (currently)

Print Distance (Head1)[m]

Printing distance counter updated when head replacement is detected (currently)

Print Distance (Head2)[m]

Printing distance counter updated when detecting head replacement (1 previous)

Print Distance (Head3)[m]

Printing distance counter updated when detecting head replacement (2 previous)

Head Replacement Count

Number of head replacements [times] (number of times replacement was detected)

Print Distance (Average)[dot]

Average page length (=total printing distance / total number of pages printed)

Print Count (USB1)

Number of prints via USB

Print Count (USB2)

Number of prints via USB (via option)

Print Count (USB HOST)

Number of prints on USBHOST (Barcode reader, USB memory, etc.)

Print Count (Bluetooth)

Number of prints via Bluetooth

Print Count (Bluetooth LE)

Number of prints with Bluetooth LE

Print Count (AirPrint)

Number of prints with AirPrint

Print Count (USB MSC)

Number of prints with USB Mass Storage

Print Count (Network)

Number of prints via network (Wired/Wireless LAN)

Print Count (Standalone)

Number of prints on the main unit

Print Count (RS232C)

Number of prints with RS-232C

Print Count (Internal)

Number of prints when only internal power supply (battery) is installed

Print Count (External)

Number of prints when only external power supply (adapter, USB power supply) is connected

Print Count (Combination)

Number of prints when both internal and external power supplies are connected

Print Count (Other)

Print count of other commands

Print Count (Raster)

Number of prints in Raster

Print Count (ESCP)

Number of prints with ESC/P

Print Count (P-Template)

Number of prints with P-touch Template

Print Count (ZPL emulation)

Number of prints with ZPL emulation

Print Count (CPCL emulation)

Number of prints with CPCL emulation

Print Count (SBPL emulation)

Number of prints with SBPL emulation

Print Count (Density [Array:##])

Number of prints at density [Array:##]

Print Count (Duty0-4%)

Number of prints with print duty 0 to 4%

Print Count (Duty5-9%)

Number of prints with print duty 5 to 9%

Print Count (Duty10-14%)

Number of prints with print duty 10 to 14%

Print Count (Duty15-19%)

Number of prints with print duty 15 to 19%

Print Count (Duty20-24%)

Number of prints with print duty 20 to 24%

Print Count (Duty25-29%)

Number of prints with print duty 25 to 29%

Print Count (Duty30-34%)

Number of prints with print duty 30 to 34%

Print Count (Duty35-39%)

Number of prints with print duty 35 to 39%

Print Count (Duty40-44%)

Number of prints with print duty 40 to 44%

Print Count (Duty45-49%)

Number of prints with print duty 45 to 49%

Print Count (Duty50-54%)

Number of prints with print duty 50 to 54%

Print Count (Duty55-59%)

Number of prints with print duty 55 to 59%

Print Count (Duty60-64%)

Number of prints with print duty 60 to 64%

Print Count (Duty65-69%)

Number of prints with print duty 65 to 69%

Print Count (Duty70-74%)

Number of prints with print duty 70 to 74%

Print Count (Duty75-79%)

Number of prints with print duty 75 to 79%

Print Count (Duty80-84%)

Number of prints with print duty 80 to 84%

Print Count (Duty85-89%)

Number of prints with print duty 85 to 89%

Print Count (Duty90-94%)

Number of prints with print duty 90 to 94%

Print Count (Duty95-100%)

Number of prints with print duty 95 to 100%

Average Coverage (Total)[%]

Average printing rate (calculated value) for effective dots [%]

Full Cut Time[msec]

Latest full cut time (time from start to end of operation)

Head Temperature (Min.)[degC]

Minimum Print Head temperature

Head Temperature (Max.)[degC]

Maximum Print Head temperature

Peeler Sensor[AD]

Peeler sensor voltage AD value when the LED is off during peeler operation (recent)

Peeler Disturbed light[AD][Array:XX]

Peeler sensor ambient light AD value when power is turned on (best 3)

Cooling Count (head)

Cooling due to Print Head

Cooling Count (motor)

Cooling motor

Button Push Count (Power)

Button press counter (Power)

Button Push Count (Esc)

Button press counter (Esc)

Button Push Count (Menu)

Button press counter (Menu)

Button Push Count (Feed)

Button press counter (Feed)

Button Push Count (Up)

Button press counter (Up)

Button Push Count (Down)

Button press counter (Down)

Button Push Count (OK)

Button press counter (OK)

Button Push Count (Function)

Button press counter (Function)

Cover Open Count

Cover open counter

Environmental Temperature (Min.)[degC]

Environmental temperature (minimum) [℃]

Environmental Temperature (Max.)[degC]

Environmental temperature (maximum) [℃]

Environmental Temperature (Avg.)[degC]

Average environmental temperature [℃]

Environmental Temperature (SD)[degC]

Standard deviation of environmental temperature [℃]

Media #01

Information on the media with the highest number of prints.




Media width


Medium length




Energy rank

Cut count:

Number of cuts


Print Distance


The number of printed sheets

Sensor Adj. (Lum):

Sensor light emission amount adjustment value

Sensor Adj. (Thr);

Sensor threshold adjustment value

Media #02

Information on the medium with the second highest number of copies printed.




Media width


Medium length




Energy rank

Cut count:

Number of cuts


Print Distance


The number of printed sheets

Sensor Adj. (Lum):

Sensor light emission amount adjustment value

Sensor Adj. (Thr);

Sensor threshold adjustment value

Battery Charge Count (Total)

Total number of battery charges [times]

(Number of times the battery has been recharged from an uncharged state to a charged state)

Battery Charge Finish Count (Total)

Total number of battery charge completions [times]

(Number of times the battery is fully charged and the charge is completed)

Battery Charge Time (Total)

Total battery charging time [minutes]

(Accumulated value of charging state time)

Total Power On Time

Total power on time [minutes]

Total Power On Count

Total number of power on times [times]

Battery Charge Count Level FC

Battery charging start voltage level: Full charge

Battery Charge Count Level UV

Battery charging start voltage level: Intermediate voltage

Battery Charge Count Level OD

Battery charging start voltage level: Low (charging required)

First Setup Date

Initial date and time setting (product operation start) (YYYY/MM/DD notation)

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