SSS ve Sorun Giderme



SSS ve Sorun Giderme

SSS ve Sorun Giderme

Tarih: 10/26/2021 ID: faqp00100565_000

P-touch Editor crashes when I open it on my Mac.

P-touch Editor may crash if your Mac has custom fonts installed.


  1. Disable custom fonts in the Font Book.

    Custom fonts are usually stored in the [User] folder in the Font Book. If necessary, you can enable them in the Font Book later.

  2. Open P-touch Editor.
  3. If you still cannot open P-touch Editor, go to the Font Book > [File] > [Restore Standard Fonts].
  4. Your Mac will automatically back up the custom fonts, and then will restore the standard fonts. Restart P-touch Editor.

    For more information about restoring your custom fonts, see your Mac documentation.

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