SSS ve Sorun Giderme



SSS ve Sorun Giderme

SSS ve Sorun Giderme

Tarih: 06/12/2019 ID: faq00100549_000

Uninstall printer drivers (Linux)

  1. Log in as a superuser (or use the "sudo" option if it is required)
  2. Uninstall the cupswrapper driver (if installed)
    Command (for dpkg)  :  dpkg  -P  (cupswrapper-drivername)
    Command (for rpm)  :  rpm  -e  (cupswrapper-drivername)
  3. Uninstall the LPR driver
    Command (for dpkg)  :  dpkg  -P  (lpr-drivername)
    Command (for rpm)  :  rpm  -e  (lpr-drivername)
  4. Check the uninstallation status:
    Command (for dpkg)  :  dpkg  -l  |  grep  Brother
    Command (for rpm)  :
    • If you have uninstalled the LPR driver only: rpm  -qa  |  grep  -e  (lpr-drivername)
    • If you have uninstalled both the cupswrapper and LPR drivers:
      rpm  -qa  |  grep  -e  (lpr-drivername)  -e  (cupswrapper-drivername)

Daha fazla yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsanız, lütfen Brother müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçin:

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