Vanliga frågor & felsökning


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Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Datum: 2020-07-09 ID: faqp00001263_024

How do I change the label length?

The label length can be specified as follows:

  1. Press the Label key. The current settings are displayed.

  2. Select "Length" using the Up or Down arrow key, and then set a value for that attribute using the Left or Right arrow key.

  3. Press the OK or Enter key to apply the settings.
    * New settings are NOT applied if you do not press the OK or Enter key.

The length of the label can be set within the range 30 mm / 1.2" - 300 mm / 12.0". When Auto is selected, the length of the label is automatically adjusted based on the amount of text entered.

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