Vanliga frågor & felsökning


Innov-is NV880E

Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Innov-is NV880E

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Datum: 2024-03-12 ID: faqh00101091_003

Stitches are skipped


  • Machine is not threaded correctly.
    (used the wrong spool cap, spool cap is loose, the thread did not catch the needle bar threader, etc.)

    Check the steps for threading the machine and rethread it correctly.
    Refer to How do I thread the machine (Threading the upper thread)?

  • Using improper needle, thread or the fabric prepared insufficiently for embroidering.

    Use a ball point needle 75/11 for embroidery.
    Use embroidery thread and embroidery bobbin thread.
    Attach a stabilizer material for embroidery to the fabric.

  • Needle is turned, bent or the point is dull.

    Replace the needle.
    Refer to How do I change the needle ?

  • Needle is installed incorrectly.

    Reinstall the needle correctly.
    Refer to How do I change the needle ?

  • Needle is defective.

    Replace the needle.
    Refer to How do I change the needle ?

  • Dust or lint has collected under the needle plate.

    Remove the dust or lint with the brush.
    Refer to How do I clean the race?


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