Vanliga frågor & felsökning



Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Datum: 2017-04-21 ID: faq00100214_003

Reset the Drum Counter

When you replace the drum unit with a new one, you must reset the drum counter by completing the following steps:

DO NOT reset the drum counter unless you are replacing the drum unit.

  1. Close the front cover.
  2. Make sure the machine is turned on.
  3. Press the Up or Down arrow key to display Machine Info., and then press OK.
  4. Press the Up or Down arrow key to display Parts Life, and then press OK.
  5. Press the Up or Down arrow key to display Drum, and then press OK.
  6. Press and hold OK for about five seconds.
  7. Press the Up arrow key to reset the drum counter.

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