Vanliga frågor & felsökning



Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Datum: 2015-09-03 ID: faq00100180_003

Install BookScan & Whiteboard Suite onto Windows 10.

Please follow the steps below.

  1. Insert the CD-ROM supplied with your Brother machine into the CD/ DVD drive.
  2. Click File Explorer.

  3. Open the CD/ DVD drive.
  4. Click start.exe.
  5. Choose your Brother machine (if needed) and language.
  6. Click Additional Applications.

    Click Additional Applicataions
  7. Click BookScan & Whiteboard Suite.

    Click BookScan & Whiteboard Suite
  8. Follow the onscreen instructions to install BookScan & Whiteboard Suite application.

    If the User Account Control screen appears during installation, click Yes.



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