Întrebări frecvente şi depanare


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Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Dată: 27/02/2009 ID: faq00000162_000

"JAM D" error appears on the LCD. What should I do?

Follow the procedure below to remove the jammed paper.

  1. Open the top cover.

    Do not touch any parts inside the printer.

  2. Hold the toner cartridge by the grip and pull it out slowly. Then place it on a flat surface.


    To prevent the toner from dirtying the surface, lay a piece of paper on the surface before putting the toner cartridge down.

  3. Lift the lever at the top left hand side of the duplex unit to unlock it and open the cover of the duplex unit.

  4. Examine the interior of the duplex unit and remove any jammed paper.
    If paper is torn, check for any remaining torn pieces of paper.

  5. Close the cover of the duplex unit.

  6. Hold the toner cartridge by the grip and insert it into the slot inside the printer.

    • Do not touch any parts inside the printer.
    • Ensure that the toner cartridge is firmly set.

  7. Close the top cover securely.

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