Întrebări frecvente şi depanare



Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Dată: 05/11/2012 ID: faq00002411_019

Cover is Open

The following covers may not be completely closed. Close the cover indicated in the machine's display.

NOTE: Illustrations shown below are from a representative product and may differ from your Brother machine.

  • Cartridge Cover:
    Firmly close the ink cartridge cover.

    Firmly close the ink cartridge cover.

  • Top Cover:
    Firmly close the top cover until it clicks.

    Firmly close the top cover until it clicks.

  • Inner Back Cover:
    Firmly close the inner back cover. The inner back cover is located in the rear of the Brother machine.

    Firmly close the inner back cover.

  • Optional Output Tray Cover:
    Firmly close the back cover of the optional output tray.

    Firmly close the back cover of the optional output tray.

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