Perguntas mais frequentes e Resolução de problemas



Perguntas mais frequentes e Resolução de problemas

Perguntas mais frequentes e Resolução de problemas

Data: 15-11-2019 ID: faqp00001498_000

Images appear blurred or lines are jagged when printed using the JPEG printing function. What can I do?

The printer converts a color JPEG image to a black and white image using a dithering process. When you print a JPEG image that is already black and white, this dithering process may cause your printed image to be blurred.


However, you can use the "JPEG Printing Setting Tool" to print black and white JPEG images. This tool uses custom printer settings to print black and white images without performing any dithering.


Please download the JPEG Printing Setting Tool from the "Download" button below:

Language Size File Format File
English 564KB Self-extracting format download


The manual for this tool is located in the same folder as the tool.

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