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Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking


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Dato: 02.03.2021 ID: faqp00100519_000

How to set Bluetooth Local Name or PIN code using the BPM (Brother Printer Management Tool) (for Windows)

The BPM does not support the Bluetooth® connection. We recommend connecting the printer to your computer via USB or Wi-Fi®.
For details about how to connect, see the FAQ: "How to connect the printer to your computer (for Windows)".


Follow the instructions below:


  1. Double-click the BPM icon to start the tool.
  2. Select your printer and click Printer Configuration.

  3. In the Bluetooth tab, make sure Built-in module is selected, and then enter the desired Bluetooth Local Name and Bluetooth PIN Code.
    Printer Configuration

  4. Click Set to apply the new settings of the printer.

  5. Click Get to restore the settings. Make sure the settings are set properly.

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