Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking


Innov-is A80

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Innov-is A80

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Dato: 04.03.2020 ID: faqh00101021_001

How to use the foot controller with the machine


You can also use the foot controller to start and stop sewing.

  • When the foot controller is connected, you cannot use the “Start/Stop” button.
  • Bobbin winding can be started and stopped with the foot controller.



  1. Turn off the machine.

  2. Insert the foot controller plug into the foot controller jack on the machine.
    img01 (1) Foot controller jack


  3. Turn on the machine.

  4. Slowly depress the foot controller to start sewing.

    The speed that is set using the sewing speed controller will be the foot controller’s maximum sewing speed.

  5. Release the foot controller to stop the machine.


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