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Innov-is NV800E

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Innov-is NV800E

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Dato: 20.03.2015 ID: faqh00100070_000

How to use the Multi-purpose Screwdriver.

Since the screwdriver can be changed to three different positions, it can be extremely useful for the various machine preparations.


Position “1”


You can install/remove the presser foot holder, needle clamp screw.

img img


Position “2”




You can install/remove the needle plate.




Position “3”



The multi-purpose screwdriver can be positioned over the screw on the embroidery frame to tighten the screw after hooping the fabric or when removing the fabric.


When rotating the multi-purpose screwdriver, do not forcefully rotate it in the direction that it does not rotate; otherwise, it may break.


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