Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking



Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking


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Dato: 02.09.2014 ID: faqh00100056_000

When trying to upgrade from an older version, the message "Cannot connect to the Internet." or "The server could not be connected to. Wait a while, and then try connecting again." appeared and "PEDESIGN Software Key" could not be upgraded.

Estimated Cause

The computer with "PEDESIGN Software Key" connected to its USB port could not establish a connection to the Internet.



To upgrade "PE-DESIGN Software Key", the computer with "PE-DESIGN Software Key" connected to its USB port must connect to the Internet. If firewall software is being used, it must be temporarily disabled during the upgrade. If a connection to the Internet cannot be established, contact your authorized dealer.

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