Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking



Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Dato: 26.03.2012 ID: faqh00000595_000

Maintenance (Clean  the hook)

  1. Turn off the embroidery machine.

    Turn off the embroidery machine

    Unplug the power supply cord before cleaning the machine, otherwise injuries or an electric shock may occur.

  2. Open the hook cover, and remove the bobbin case.

    Remove the bobbin case

  3. Use the included cleaning brush to remove any lint and dust from the hook and its surrounding area.

    Remove any lint and dust

    If the hook is scratched or damaged, consult your authorized dealer.

  4. After cleaning is finished, insert the bobbin case into the hook, and then close the hook cover.

    Close the hook cover

    Be sure to close the hook cover before using the embroidery machine. Embroidery fabric may be caught and cause mechanical issues if the hook cover is left open.

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