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Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking


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Dato: 19.02.2015 ID: faq00003182_001

(Video) Setup a Brother machine on a wireless (Wi-Fi) network using the supplied CD-ROM (Windows)

Video1 :

How to setup a Brother machine on a wireless (Wi-Fi) network using the supplied CD-ROM

Click on the image to play the video instructions
*The clip is being streamed from YouTube. (Opens in a new window.)
How to use the buttons:

Start the video

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Running Time:

3 minutes

Operating Time: 10-15 minutes


Video 2:

If you are prompted to use a USB cable when connecting your Brother machine to the wireless network, see this Video.

Click on the image to play the video instructions
*The clip is being streamed from YouTube. (Opens in a new window.)

Running Time:

1.5 minutes

Operating Time: 5-10 minutes

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