Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking



Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking


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Dato: 28.09.2012 ID: faq00002874_003

I'm having problems receiving faxes from one particular number.

  • If you are experiencing problems receiving faxes from all senders, click here.

  • If you are having problems receiving a fax from one specific sender, follow these steps:

    1. Press image.

    2. Press All Settings.

    3. Swipe up or down, or press the Up or Down arrow key to display Initial Setup.

    4. Press Initial Setup.

    5. Swipe up or down, or press the Up or Down arrow key to display Compatibility.

    6. Press Compatibility.

    7. Press Normal.

    8. Press image.

    9. Have the "problem" sender send you a test fax.

      • If you receive the fax, the problem is solved.

      • If you do not receive the fax, go to STEP 9.

    10. Have a different sender send you a test fax.

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