FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi


Innov-is A80

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

Data: 18/07/2018 ID: faqh00000403_001

"E8" message appears on the LCD.



This message is displayed when Twin needle (Twin needle) is turned on, and a stitch pattern that cannot be sewn with the twin needle is selected.




  • When you want to sew a pattern you selected :

    Switch to the single needle mode, and replace the twin needle with a single needle before continuing the operation.


    To switch to the needle mode, press needle mode selection key (the needle mode selection key ).



    The twin needle mode indicator changes to the single needle mode.




  • When you want to sew with the twin needle :

    Select a pattern that can be sewn with the twin needle.

    Refer to Stitch Chart on the operation manual to learn stitches that can be sewn with a twin needle.


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