FAQ & Fehlerbehebung



FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

Datum: 16.10.2019 Kennnummer: faqp00100409_001

Adding a custom media size for continuous tape (Linux®)

To add a custom media size for continuous tape, do the following:


  1. Run the command to add a custom media size.
    1. Add a new Label Format with the "New Label Format" name and 30mm width and set the 30mm width and the 3mm label gap:
       "brpapertoollpr_td4100n -P TD-4100N -n Paper_Name -w 30 -h 30 -g 3.0 -m 2.0 -y 3 -x 1.5 -S [0/1]"  [enter]
      (Type the whole command as a single line before you press enter):
      -P Printer Name, e.g. TD-4100N
      -n New Label Name
      -w label width
      -h label length
      -g label spacing y
      -m label spacing x
      -y top,bottom margin
      -x right/left margin
      -S 0/1(0:Continuous Length Tape/1:Die-Cut Label)
      brpapertoollpr_td4100n -P TD-4100N -n Paper_Name -w 56 -h 128 -g 3.0 -m 1.0 -y 3 -x 1.5 -S 1
      Add a custom media size
    2. Remove the Label Format with the "New Label Format" name:
       "brpapertoollpr_td4100n -P TD-4100N -d Paper_Name"  [enter]

      Enter the Width and Height/Length in mm.

      Superuser authorization is required.

  2. Select the new media size from "Set Printer Options" in "http://localhost:631/printers".

  3. Try a test print from "Print Test Page".

Relevante Modelle

TD-4000, TD-4100N

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