Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží



Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Datum: 29/01/2014 ID: faq00002126_000

How do I print using the Duplex Unit?

Firstly, please make sure that  you have already installed the optional duplex unit DX-7000 on your printer.


Since the software or command setting overrides the control panel button setting, we recommend you make a setting on the printer driver.


  1. Open the property of the printer driver.
    (Right click on the printer name icon and select the "Property" from the Menu.)

  2. First, open the "Accessories" tab and press "Auto Detect" button on the left side of the screen to detect the installed duplex unit DX-7000.

  3. Open the "Advanced" tab and select the Duplex menu button and make a setting.


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