Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží


Innov-is NV2700

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Innov-is NV2700

Není to váš produkt?

Datum: 06/03/2023 ID: faqh00100066_001

How do I edit the stitch stored in the machine with MY CUSTOM STITCH function?

Sample patterns can be retrieved and edited in MY CUSTOM STITCH.


  1. Press image.



    * The keys on the screen may differ depending on the model.


  2. Press image.



    The built-in sample patterns that can be edited are displayed.
    Sample patterns are divided into categories. Press a tab at the top of the screen to display the desired pattern.

    image (1) Tab


  3. Select a pattern, and then press "OK".


  4. Edit the pattern.

    Sample patterns can be combined and edited.


This following message appears when the sample pattern that you try to add with the MY CUSTOM STITCH function extends out of the stitching area. Select a different pattern, or delete the existing pattern (point).




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