Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží


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Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Datum: 29/01/2019 ID: faq00100613_000

When I try to use the scan key on my network connected machine, I receive the error "Check connection" or I can not select anything except "scan to FTP". (Linux)

The brscan-skey utility is configured to use the eth0 network adapter by default.

If you are using a different network adapter, or if the name of the default network adapter is not eth0 (e.g. Debian4.0r3), you will have to configure it by manual:


Confirm the network adapter name which is used for the connection with the scanner (e.g. eth0, eth1).
You can confirm the network adapter name by "ifconfig" command.

Open /usr/local/Brother/sane/brscan-skey-(version).cfg using your preferred text editor.


Add the line "eth=(adapter name)" to the cfg file. Change the adapter name accordingly.


Restart the scan-key program ("brscan-skey -t" to terminate the program and "brscan-skey" to start.)
*** It may take a few minutes for the modification to take effect.


Example of an edited file
IMAGE="sh /usr/local/Brother/sane/script/"
OCR="sh /usr/local/Brother/sane/script/"
EMAIL="sh /usr/local/Brother/sane/script/"
FILE="sh /usr/local/Brother/sane/script/"

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