FAQ et Diagnostic



FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

Date: 26.02.2018 ID: faqp00001329_039

How do I print multiple lines and how many lines can I print?

To print multiple lines,


  1. Type the first line of information.

  2. Press the [Enter] key ( Enter key / Enter key / Enter Key) to make new line. A return mark appears.
  3. Type the next line of information.
    Line 1 Label image
    Line 1 Label image
    Line 2  
    Line 2  

  4. Press the [Print] key ( Print key / Print key / Print Key ).


The number of text lines that can be printed depends on the width of the installed tape.

Refer to the following table.

Tape Width

Maximum Number of Lines

that Can Be Printed

0.13" (3.5 mm) 1
0.23" (6 mm) 1
0.35" (9 mm) 2
0.47" (12 mm) 2

If you try to create two lines of text using 0.13" (3.5 mm) or 0.23" (6 mm) width tape,  [1 Line Limit!] appears.
[2 Line Limit!] appears when you try to enter a 3rd line.

Modèles apparentés

PT-D210, PT-H110

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