FAQ & Fehlerbehebung



FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

Datum: 22.03.2022 Kennnummer: faqp00001292_015

How do I create a small label?

Follow the steps below to create a small label:


  1. Set the margin to [Small Margin].
    1. Press the [Label] key ( Label / Label ).

    2. Press Up or Down to select [Cut Option].

    3. Press the [OK] key or [Enter] key ( Enter / Enter ).

    4. Press Up or Down to select [Small Margin].

    5. Press the [OK] key or [Enter] key to apply the settings.

  2. Set your desired label length.
    See "How do I change the label length?".


    Follow the steps below to align characters in the center of the tape:



    1. Press the [Font] key ( Font / Font ).

    2. Press Up or Down to select [Align].

    3. Press Left or Right to select [Center].


    1. Press the [Font] key ( Font / Font ).

    2. Press Up or Down to select [Align], and then press the [OK] key or [Enter] key.

    3. Press Up or Up to select [Center], and then press the [OK] key or [Enter] key.

    4. Press the [Escape] key ( Escape ) to return to the text entry screen.

  3. Enter the required text for your label.

Relevante Modelle

PT-D410, PT-D460BT

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