FAQ & Fehlerbehebung



FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

Datum: 08.05.2020 Kennnummer: faqp00000948_002

How do I type accented characters?

To type accented characters,


  1. Type the character that you wish to add an accent mark to.

  2. Press the Accent key repeatedly until the desired accented character is selected, or select it by using the Left cursor or Right cursor key.

  3. Press the Enter key.

To type "ô" (o accent circumflex),


  1. Type "o".
  2. Press the Accent key until "ô" appears on the display.
  3. Press the Enter key. The accented character is added to the text.

    The following accented characters are available:
    Accented character list


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