

Print Unable XX

The error message "Print Unable XX" is an indication that the machine has a mechanical problem.The "XX" is a different error message depending on the condition of your machine.  The "XX" is a 2-digit number or alphabet. For example, Print Unable 32, Print Unable ZC, etc.


Turn off the machine. Wait a few minutes, then turn it on again.


If your machine has FAX function:
We recommend transferring your faxes to another fax machine or to your PC before turning off the power switch.


If the error message continues, there is a problem on the sensor, motor or substrate and so on. The machine will require a service, please call your dealer or contact Brother Customer Service from "Contact Us".


如果您需要進一步的協助, 請聯絡Brother客戶服務:



步驟一: 此頁面的資訊對您有幫助嗎

步驟二: 你有任何其他想要提出的意見嗎?

請注意, 此表格僅用做意見回饋使用