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Perguntas mais frequentes e Resolução de problemas

Perguntas mais frequentes e Resolução de problemas

How do I clean the scanner window?

To clean the scanner window, follow the steps below:


Do NOT use flammable substances or any type of spray to clean the inside or outside of the machine. Doing this may cause a fire or electrical shock.

  1. Turn off the printer power switch, and then unplug the printer power cord.
  1. Open the top cover.
  1. Take out the drum unit assembly.

After you have just used the printer, some parts inside the printer are extremely hot. When you open the top cover of the printer, never touch the fuser and fixing roller.

  1. Wipe off toner and paper dust from the metal plate in the printer with a dry, soft cloth.
  1. Wipe the scanner window with a dry, soft cloth.
  1. Close the top cover.
  1. Plug the printer power cord back in, and then turn the printer power switch back on.

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