
Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Change the paper settings. (Using DSmobileCapture)

Follow the steps below to change paper settings.


NOTE: Illustrations and instructions may vary depending on the application you are using.



  1. Launch DSmobileCapture.


    1. Connect the supplied Micro USB cable to the Micro USB port on the rear of your scanner. Connect the cable to your computer.
    2. Double-click the DSmobileCapture icon DSmobileCapture.
    3. The Select Scanner Model dialog box appears. Select TWAIN under Driver Type and select your model under Scanner Model, and then click OK.
    4. DSmobileCapture launches.


  2. Click Setup.
  3. Click the Paper tab.


  4. Change the settings you want, and then click OK. Continue scanning operation.



  1. Launch DSmobileCapture.


    1. Connect the supplied Micro USB cable to the Micro USB port on the rear of your scanner. Connect the cable to your computer.
    2. Double-click the DSmobileCapture icon DSmobileCaputureShortcutMac.
    3. DSmobileCapture launches.


  2. Click the Paper and change the settings you want.  Continue scanning operation.

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