
Perguntas frequentes e Solução de problemas

Perguntas frequentes e Solução de problemas

Basic operations and sewing [Video instructions]

Video instructions for Basic operation and sewing.

Click on the image to play the video instructions.

  • These movies are being streamed from YouTube. (Opening new window.)
  • Products used in the videos may differ in appearance or the operation panel and keys from the ones you use.
  • Video contents may change without prior notice.
  • You can change the captions settings that are show in the YouTube video by clicking Captions (Captions).
Turning on the power

Turning on the power

Winding and setting the lower thread

Winding and setting the lower thread

Upper threading

Upper threading

To start sewing

To start sewing

Reverse sewing

Reverse sewing

Adjusting the stitch length and width

Adjusting the stitch length and width

Thread tension

Thread tension

Replacing the presser foot

Replacing the presser foot



Blind hem stitching

Blind hem stitching

Buttonhole sewing

Buttonhole sewing

Replacing the needle

Replacing the needle



Sewing Characters

Sewing Characters


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