CM550DX/ CM550



I cannot log in even after entering my login ID and password for CanvasWorkspace.

The registration may not have been completed. 
Check if the registration confirmation email message from CanvasWorkspace arrived. If it has arrived, access the URL in the email message, and then complete the registration.

If the email message has not arrived, check if it arrived in your junk mail folder or if spam filters have been set.

For details, refer to I registered with CanvasWorkspace, but the email message did not arrive.


如果您需要進一步的協助, 請聯絡Brother客戶服務:



步驟一: 此頁面的資訊對您有幫助嗎

步驟二: 你有任何其他想要提出的意見嗎?

請注意, 此表格僅用做意見回饋使用