CM550DX/ CM550

SSS ve Sorun Giderme

SSS ve Sorun Giderme

The machine is turned off (Auto Shut Down).

If the machine is not used for a specified length of time, it will automatically turn off.


The length of time until the machine turns off can be specified in the settings screen.


>> The setting can be specified in 1-hour increments.


  • If the machine is automatically turned off after you reach the pattern layout screen, the stored information can be recalled when the machine is turned on again. Following the instructions in the message screen that appear when the machine is turned on again, touch the “OK” key to display the pattern layout screen or touch the “Cancel” key to return to the home screen.

    (1) Message screen
    (2) Pattern layout screen
    (3) Home screen


  • If the machine is automatically turned off before you reach the pattern layout screen, the home screen will be displayed when the machine is turned on again.

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