Model üretimden kaldırıldı. Bu sayfa artık güncellenmiyor.

Change the words in a scanned document.

To scan a document and have the ability to edit the document requires an Optical Character Recognition, OCR, capability.

DSmobileSCAN II (only for Windows users) is only capable of producing graphics files which cannot be edited. However, the Presto! Page Manager software which came on the scanner's installation DVD does have a basic OCR capability.

Using Presto! Page Manager, scan the document first, drag the scanned document and drop it onto the OCR icon in the Application Bar running along the bottom of the screen. The document will go through a conversion process and the results will display on the screen. The document can now be edited and or sent to Word Pad or Word using the Application Bar.

If you require more basic OCR capabilities, there are several OCR software applications available on the market.

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