Model üretimden kaldırıldı. Bu sayfa artık güncellenmiyor.

The scanner is connected but it will not feed paper or do anything else. (For Windows)

Check the paper feed path and ensure there is nothing blocking the feed path.
If the feed path is clear and the problem remains, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the scanner is connected directly to a working USB port on the computer.
    Try connecting the scanner to a USB port on the computer that is working with another device.

  2. Check if the USB cable is 2 meters (6 feet) or less in length.
    Try connecting the scanner and computer with a USB cable that is working with another machine; connect the scanner directly to the computer.

  3. Open Scanner Properties. (Click here to see the details of how to open Scanner Properties.)

  4. Click the General tab and Test Scanner or Cameras.

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