Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Vanliga frågor & felsökning

Printouts have toner scatter or toner stain.

Check the following points:

  • Check the machine's environment. Conditions such as high humidity and high temperatures may cause this print quality problem.
    For more information, please refer to Appendixes A of the User's Guide for your  machine.

  • Make sure that you use paper that meets our specifications. Rough-surfaced paper may cause the problem.
    For more information on the types of paper that can be used with your Brother product, please refer to Chapter 2 of the User's Guide for your machine.

  • Install a new toner cartridge for the color causing the problem.
    Please refer to the instructions, "How do I replace the toner cartridge?".

  • Clean the corona wires and the drum unit for the color causing the problem.
    Please refer to the instructions, "How do I clean the corona wires?" and "How do I clean the drum unit?".
    If the print quality has not improved, put in a new drum unit.
    Please refer to the instructions, "How do I replace the drum unit?".

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