
Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Print free-length labels with the set length (Linux®)

To print free-length labels with the set length, add a label format using the brpapertoollpr tool in the terminal. This tool is installed and saved in the \usr\bin directory when you install the driver.


Adding label formats

Run the following command:
brpapertoollpr_(model name)[-P printer name] [-n label format name] [-w label width(mm)] [-h label height(mm)]



-P   Printer name
-n   New label format name to be added to the PPD file
-w   Label width (in mm)
-h   Label height (in mm)

brpapertoollpr_pt9500pc -P PT-9500PC -n format2540 -w 24 -h 50
brpapertoollpr_ql600 -P QL600 -n format2540 -w 29 -h 100



Deleting label formats

Run the following command:
brpapertoollpr_(model name) [-P printer name] [-d label format name]


-P   Printer name
-d   Deletes the label format from the PPD file

brpapertoollpr_pt9500pc -P PT-9500PC -d format2540
brpapertoollpr_ql600 -P QL600 -d format2540

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