
Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

The LED indicator or the LCD is not lit.

  • Is the battery inserted correctly?
    Check that the battery is inserted correctly. If it is, check that the battery has sufficient charge remaining.
    Also, for RJ-4230B-L / RJ-4250WB-L, the insulated sheet should be removed before installing the battery.
    To learn how to install the battery, see "How to install the rechargeable Li-ion battery".
    To learn how to charge the battery, see "How to charge the rechargeable Li-ion battery".
  • Is the adapter cord connected correctly?

    Check that the adapter cord is connected correctly.
    To learn how to connect the adapter cord, see "How to connect to an AC power outlet (Optional)".

  • If the LED indicator or the LCD still does not light up, contact Brother Customer Service.

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