
Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

There is no data registered in the P-touch library. (P-touch Editor 5.x for Windows)

Layouts created using P-touch Editor are not automatically registered in P-touch Library.
To set automatic data registration, follow the steps below:

Setting automatic data registration:


  1. From the P-touch Editor menu, select [Tools] - [Options].
    Tool - Option

  2. Click [Registration Settings.. ] in the [General] tab.
    Registration Settings

  3. In the Content Registration Settings dialog box, select the timing for registering templates created with P-touch Editor.
    Content Registration Settings

    The following conditions for timing of automatic registration are available.  Select the condtions that you prefer.

    • When Printing
    • When Saving a File
    • When Closing a Document

    "When Printing" and "When Saving a File" are selected by default.

  4. Click [OK].

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