
Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

I selected the "Return Address Label", but nothing is displayed on the label. Why? (P-touch Address Book)

You need to input your name and address into the User Information fields.


  1. Click [File]-[User Information...] to open the "User Information" dialog box.

  2. Under "User Information:", type in your return address.

In the "Modify" box you can also add in a corporate logo or picture to be used for return address information. To do so:


  1. In the Image area, click the "Modify..." button and browse to the folder containing the desired image file to be included.

  2. Double-click on the desired image file name.

  3. Click the "OK" button.
    This data will be displayed on the return Address label.


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Modele asociate

QL-1050, QL-1050N, QL-1060N, QL-1100/1100c, QL-1110NWB/1110NWBc, QL-500, QL-500A, QL-550, QL-560, QL-570, QL-580N, QL-600, QL-650TD, QL-700, QL-710W, QL-720NW, QL-800, QL-810W/810Wc, QL-820NWB/820NWBc

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