
Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Thumbnail of the Cutting Data Is Not Displayed Correctly.

The file preview function is available in CanvasWorkspace version 2.3.0.
This function is only Windows.
To preview the CWPRJ, FCM, FCN and FTN file, update the CanvasWorkspace to the version. 2.3.0.


If the thumbnail of CWPRJ file is not displayed, save the file again with CanvasWorkspace version
2.3.0 or later.


If the thumbnail of calligraphy font is misaligned like below, download the calligraphy font from
CanvasWorkspace (Web) <> again.


Thumbnail is misaligned.   Download the font from CanvasWorkspace (Web) again.
The thumbnail will be displayed correctly.
image image image


  • Calligraphy Starter Kit, the related consumables and the accessory are sold separately.
    The countries of sale are limited.
  • The Calligraphy Kit and consumables are only available with the SDX series.

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