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Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

I cannot use the Network PC-FAX function from Mac OS® X. What should I do?


The Network PC-FAX function from Mac OS® X only works with "Apple Talk".

If you selected "Windows Printing", "Simple Network" or "IP Printing" in the "Print Center" connection menu, you need to change the connection setting to "AppleTalk".

To change your setting, please follow the instructions below:


  1. Select Applications from the Go menu.
  2. Open the Utilities folder.
  3. Open the Print Center icon.
  4. Click the Add Printer... button.
  5. Select AppleTalk.
  6. Select BRN_xxxxxx_P1 (xxxxxx are the last six digits of the Ethernet address, the "Type" will indicate "Brother Laser") and then click the Add button.

The PS driver does not support the Network PC-FAX function.

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