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Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

When scanning a document to be copied or faxed, the LCD shows "OUT OF MEMORY". What should I do?

This message means the memory capacity of the unit has been exceeded. The amount of memory used depends on the amount or type of data on the documents being faxed or copied. If you get an "Out of Memory" message while scanning the first page of a fax, press Stop/Exit or Stop to cancel scanning.
If you get an "Out of Memory" message while scanning a subsequent page, you can either press Fax Start or Start/Copy to transmit the pages that were scanned so far, or press Stop/Exit or Stop to cancel the operation.


Depending on your typical faxes, OUT OF MEMORY errors can occur frequently. If this happens, change the Memory Transmission setting back to OFF.

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