
Perguntas mais frequentes e Resolução de problemas

Perguntas mais frequentes e Resolução de problemas

Check if there are faxes stored in the Brother machine's memory, when it has a mechanical problem

You can check if your machine has faxes in memory if one of the following messages is displayed on the LCD:

  • Init Unable XX
  • Print Unable XX
  • Scan Unable XX
  • Fuser Error
  1. Press Menu and choose Service => Data Transfer => Fax Transfer.
  2. If the LCD displays the message No Data, there are no faxes in memory. Press Stop/ Exit.
    If the LCD displays the message Enter Fax No. (The message may vary depending on your Brother machine.), there are faxes in memory you can transfer to another fax machine or to your PC. See below for instructions.

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