Innov-is XJ2

Odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania i rozwiązywanie problemów

Odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania i rozwiązywanie problemów

How do I save the embroidery patterns in the machine’s memory?


You can save embroidery patterns that you have customized and will use often; for example, your name, patterns that have been rotated or had the size changed, patterns that have had the embroidering position changed, etc. A total of about 10 MB of patterns can be saved in the machine's memory.



  1. Press image when the pattern you want to save is in the embroidering screen.



  2. Press image .
    * Press image to return to the original screen without saving.

    >> The Saving… screen is displayed. When the pattern is saved, the display returns to the original screen automatically.





If the Memory is Full

If the message screen Not enough available memory to save the data. Delete some patterns or use a different media. appears while you are trying to save a stitch pattern, the memory is too full to hold the currently selected stitch pattern.



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